GM Free Cymru

CNBC flogs GM food -- and gets a kick in the teeth

This CNBC poll, conducted via its website and presumably answered mostly by American users of the site, was nothing short of a disgrace. look carefully at the preamble and at the way the question is phrased -- every trick in the book is used in order to achieve a resounding "Yes" vote. And what happened? A resounding and painful kick in the teeth for CNBC, with 84% of the 5925 respondents voting "no" and with many comments on the site from ordinary consumers who are deeply sceptical about GM and its place in the world. So much for the standard US line that Americans are perfectly happy with GM, on the basis that it brings great benefits and that it has never been demonstrated to do any harm whatsoever, either to health or to the environment..............

That line is also trotted out of course in Europe, by the biotechnology industry and by the EC and certain member states including the UK. A plague on all of their houses! Not that we would wish them any harm, of course.

CNBC Poll: Are Genetically-Modified Foods OK? By: | 28 Apr 2011

Food Economics - A CNBC Special Report

When it comes to genetically modified food, you may envision something monstrous, perhaps even bordering bordering on the inorganic, but there's a lot more ordinary GM food out there than you think.

Much of the corn and soybeans grown today has been modified to better resist pests and other threats from nature, and thus increase crop yields.

In some quarters, the increase in biotechnology is a good thing; some say it can help food safety, which, as recent outbreaks of salmonella and e-coli, can be costly and deadly.

What do you think about GM foods?

Are you in favor of genetically-modified foods to help solve shortages?
Yes 14%
No 84%
Unsure 1%

Total Votes: 5925
Not a Scientific Survey
Results may not total 100% due to rounding